Life is full of surprises.What u dream hardly materialise and what u never thought about seems to actualize.It is a hard reality but still I believe life is as one perceive it to be.If u want to happy u can still feel that way even in toughest of situations.Take an example of half-filled glass.u can see as a glass half filled or glass half empty.You are right in answering in either of the two ways.But its the positive approach to life that really works. Lets hypothesise.let the glass be the aim of ur life.can u acheive it?Can u not?.........Most of us are lacking in something.so what's missing? The main thing we lack in is optimism.but no one is superior to u.One should always remember he/she is the happiest and the most well-nurtured person.It is a positive approach."I can & I vl is the spirit to excel in life."Even if you dont succeed in few attempts,dont quit as as it is the time to stick to the fight when u r hardest hit.Optimism is the faith that leads to acheivemant .So what r u waiting for? Get going.
well its definately u who decide to stay happy or sad in what ever condn u r in and staying optimist is a strength of life but a life without dreams is like a empty glass its these dreams which help u fill this glass give it some meaning, its not imp whether ur dreams came true or not but whether u tried to full fill them and how true u were to that effort of urs. rest be optimistic they will come true.
dnt u think durgesh u r 2 dreamy.dreams r important but they shud be realistic.ya but thts true its imp tht how much v put in 2 achieve our dreams.
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