Life is a learning process during which one experiences a number of things- some good, some bad. Sometimes you lose, sometimes succeed. Wht matter in end is how much u learn from these experiences. Success is to be measured not by the position that one has achieved in life but by the obstacles that one overcome. This blog says what I am? Its all abt what I have learned from life till now and has helped me to grow as a person ....may be you also have a same story!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
नए रिश्ते
Saturday, November 19, 2011
एक शुरुआत

हाँ ये एक शुरुआत है
एक नए एहसास की,
चाहत की और नए विश्वास की,
एक नए रिश्ते की,
एक नए जज्बात की,
ख़ुशी के लम्हों की,
कुछ नए रंगों की,
हाँ ये एक शुरुआत है,
एक नयी राह की,
एक नयी सोच की,
एक नयी सरगम की,
एक नए जीवन की,
हाँ ये एक शुरुआत है,
कुछ खट्टी मीठी बातों की,
कुछ नए ख्वाबों की,
पतझड़ के बाद जैसे फागुन की,
गर्मी के बाद जैसे सावन की,
हाँ ये कुछ ऐसी ही शुरुआत है
Thursday, July 22, 2010

ना सोचा था मैंने की आप कभी जिंदगी मे कुछ इस तरहां आएंगे,
हँसते गाते, रोते मनाते जिंदगी का एक हसीन हिस्सा बन जायेंगे
मैंने तो सोचा था की ये भी एक दोस्ती का दौर है
कुछ समय का साथ है, शुरआती दिनों का ही शोर है
ना जान पाई थी की आप धीरे=धीरे मेरी जिंदगी ही बन जायेंगे
जिस रिश्ते को कभी ना समझ पाई थी, वो आपकी ख़ामोशी से समझ जाउंगी
अब बस यही एक दुआ है रब से, की मेरा यार मुझसे ना रूठे
मेरा यार जो मिनंतो से मिला है, बस अब उसका साथ ना छुटे
Monday, January 18, 2010
ना जाने कैसे आज इतने दिनों के बाद लगा की फिर से अपनी सोच को आवाज दू,
भूल गयी थी शब्दों का जादू, पर दिल ने ना जाने क्यों कहा की अपने हर जज्बे को शब्दों मे उतार दू.
अरसा हो गया था शायद ना खुद से की कोई बात थी,
जिंदगी की भागम भाग मे शायद अपना अस्तितिव ही भूल गयी थी.
जिंदगी के कुछ पल आपकी सोच को बदल जाते है
और आप अपने आप को खुद से ही दूर ले जाते है
शायद कुछ ऐसी ही गलती अनजाने मे मुझसे हो गयी,
जिंदगी की इस भागम भाग मे शायद खुद को थी भूल गयी,
पर शब्दों का प्रेम भी अजीब है
कब खुद जुड़ गयी वापिस इस प्रेम से शायद खुद भी ना जान पाई,
पर वादा है अब ना करुँगी इस प्रेम से बेवफाई.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
All alone
I am alone again in this cruel world,
away from joy, away from happiness,
why don't you listen to me, my dear Lord.
I always wanted to fly,
to see the world, to feel the sky.
But never wanted such a tiff in heart,
what i was looking forward to was a bright new start.
But never thought things will go wrong,
never knew happiness will not last long.
why this happen to me time over and again,
my dear Lord, tell me where i fail.
am i really such a bad child of yours,
why its me who always lose.
am i really so bad, or its just that destiny playing a game?
help Lord, or else i will lose my identity or forget who i m?
Monday, July 13, 2009
अकेले मेरे जज्बात थे, अकेला था वो लम्हा,
अकेला सा सन्नाटा था, अकेला था वो वक्त थमा,
अकेली बैठी, अपनी अकेली दुनीया को रही थी मै सजा,
अचानक एक आहट उस अकेलेपन को तोड़ गयी,
और मेरे अकेले दिल को एक नयी दुनिया के और मोड़ गयी,
वो दुनिया जहाँ लोग तो थे,
पर सच्चा साथ न था,
होटों पर तो थी सबके हँसी,
पर दिल में कोई जज्बात ना था,
बातें तो थी सबकी मीठी,
पर आँखों मे कोई भाव ना था,
सब जी रहे थे साथ, पर वो साथ एक झूठ एहसास था,
कोशिश की बहुत की उस दुनीया की हो जाऊ,
इन सब लोगो की तरह,
मुखोटा पहन कर जी पाऊ,
कुछ दिन तो लगी दुनीया बहुत ही अच्छी,
पर फिर ना जाने इन झूठे चेहरों से लगी,
मुझे अपनी अकेली दुनीया ही सच्ची,
जी रही थी शायद अकेले ही अपने लिए,
पर दिल में कोई दगा ना था,
अकेली थी मैं , पर साथ कोई दग्गाबाज अपना ना था,
मेरी अकेली मुस्कान, अकेली सुबह, अकेली रात, अकेले जज्बात, ही मेरी पहचान थे,
मेरे अकेले अरमान इस अजीब दुनीया से अनजान थे,
लौट जाऊ अपनी अकेली दुनीया में ये मेरा ख्वाब है,
पर बदल चुकी हूँ मैं, जो मेरा अपनापन ना मेरे साथ है.
Monday, June 22, 2009
A Child With A Rose

Standing alone on a road, with smile on his lips,
when he came closer, I saw tears in his eyes,
It was really heart touching,
the ocean of feelings in my heart started to rise.
He came more closer and gave me a rose,
After seeing hopes in eyes, I suddenly froze.
It was 8 in the morning; I was on my way to work,
And that little chap was selling flowers on mid of the road.
I saw his little hands, his clothes were soiled,
He was bare feet and his hairs were coiled.
Very softly he said 5 Rupees please,
While giving him the money, I noticed bruises on his knees.
I wanted to know how he got hurt,
Fell somewhere? Or was bitten by someone under whom he used to work.
That little fellow refused to reply,
Suddenly ran away like as he had wings to fly.
I followed him till a narrow by lane,
I saw few kids smaller to him in his hut, crying instead of playing innocent childhood games.
He was first shocked when he saw me,
Then came closer and gave me a look with a brilliant glee.
His mother came and asked who was i?
I told her that I am just a passerby.
I wanted so many things, thousands of questions in my mind,
But after meeting his siblings and mother, I got answers to the questions I wanted to find.
I said nothing much, just left his shanty home,
And the questions I had were all long gone.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I will stand again
I will stand again.
To fight the odds,
to win the lost,
I will stand again.
To reach a new high,
to set my wings to fly,
to welcome the fresh lease of life,
to forget the past and ready to strive,
I will stand again.
No matter who did what,
No matter what happened so far,
I will not let anything affect me,
i will take a new step ahead,
i will stand again.
I am sure i will bounce back again,
this time will not let emotions to win the game,
I will definately overcome my fears,
with a bright smile, wipping all the tears,
I am not weak, though not very strong,
but still i will stand and fight again.
Friday, March 20, 2009
मुझ जैसे नाचीज़ को शब्दों से खेलने वाला एक शायर बना दिया.
उनको पाने की चाहत मेरे शब्दों में झलकती है
घंटो बैठा रहता हूँ उनकी यादों में न एक बार भी मेरी आँख झपकती है
यह इन्तजार भी क्या चीज है, जो मिलने की चाह बढाती है,
कभी लगती है बड़ी मीठी, कभी बहुत सताती है,
कभी एक लम्हा सदियों सा लगता है
तो कभी पूरी रात एक पल में गुजर जाती है,
हर धड़कन मेरे सिने की उनके होने का एहसास दिलाती है,
उनके आने की आहट भी पानी के गिलास को मयखाने
का जाम बनाती है
Saturday, January 17, 2009
अनजान था वो जूनून, अनजान वो लम्हा था,
अनजान सी आवाज ने अनजान सी चाह दिल में जगाई,
अनजान जो आवाज थी, ना थी अब वो पराई,
उस अनजाने से एहसास ने जीना हमें सिखा दिया
अनजान थे हम ख़ुद से अब तक, आज हमसे हमें मिला दिया,
अनजान राह जो हमने चुनी थी, ना अब वो अनजान थी,
हर चौक की, हर मोड़ की अब हमको पहचान थी,
हर अनजान खुशबु उस राह की, अब हमारी जान थी,
अनजान हो गए हम दुनिया से, हम्मारी दुनिया अब बाकी दुनिया से अनजान थी,
कब पहर बीते, कब मौसम बदलें, हमारी जिंदगी इससे अनजान थी,
खोय है थे हम उस दुनिया में, जो हमारा ख्वाब थी,
अनजाने से हमारे अपनों ने उस अनजान ख्वाब से हमें जगा दिया,
पर उस अनजाने से ख्वाब ने जीना हमें सिखा दिया
Thursday, January 15, 2009
वर्तमान, इतिहास और भविष्य
कौन है सबसे बलिष्ठ और महत्तवपूर्ण इस पर चर्चा हो रही थी
इतिहास ने पूरे विश्वास के साथ कहा मै ही तो वर्तमान और भविष्य की नींव हूँ,
आज जो पोधा है, कल वृक्ष होगा, उसका बीज हूँ,
जब वर्तमान ने ये सुना तो सोचा उसने क्यों हो इतिहास के बोल-बाला,
अपने को ऊँचा साबित करने के लिए उसने भी अपना मुंह खोल डाला,
कहा उसने वर्तमान के बिना नही बनता इतिहास या भविष्य है,
वर्तमान में किया गया काम ही तो काल का इतिहास या आने वाले भविष्य की नींव है,
इसलिए वो ही सबसे बलिष्ठ है,
भविष्य ने तब अपनी समझदारी दिखाई,
उसने कुछ ही शब्दों में तीनों की मेह्त्त्वता कह बतलाई
कहा उसने-इतिहास से सीख ले इंसान भविष्य बनाता है,
वर्तमान, इतिहास और भविष्य के बीच का नाता है,
यह बात तीनो के दिल को भायी
चंद शब्दों में ही भर गई वो दरार जो बन सकती थी खाई
Friday, November 21, 2008
कोई अपना कभी हमेशा ही आपके ख्यालो में होता है
कभी आप खोये रहते है उनकी यादों मे
कभी उनकी यादों का कारवा आपके साथ चलता है
कभी चाहत किसी की आपकी रूह को छु जाती है
तो कभी आपकी रूह ही किसी ओर की हो जाती है
जालिम यह इश्क भी एक मर्ज है
हो जाए तो उल्फत न हो तो आफत है
Monday, October 20, 2008
हालें दिल-Halein Dil
लफ्जों में जो उलझकर रह जाए वो सच्ची मोहब्बत नही होती.
अनकहें शब्दों में जो हो जाये बयान,
तो वो मोहब्बत सिर्फ़ मोहब्बत नही खुदा की इबादत है होती.
हर मुस्कराहट जब किसी की आपकी जिन्दगी बन जाए,
हर जज्बा जब किसी का आपकी पहचान बन जाए,
हर आंसू किसी के अशर का जब आपकी उदासी का सबब बन जाये,
हर ख्वाहिश जब किसी की आपके जीने का मकसद बन जाए,
तो यारों वो कुछ और नही सच्ची मोहब्बत है होती.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
हर बात का एक मतलब एक राज होता है
बातों ही बातों मे जिंदगी गुजर जाती है
और जिंदगी गुजर जाने के बाद इस बात का एहसास होता है
बातों की तो बात ही क्या करी जाए,
बातें करते-करते तो जिंदगी ही गुजर जाए
पर अगर बातों की गहराइयों तक कोई पहुचँ जाए,
तो गम का कोई साया जिंदगी को न छु पाये
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Success in Life

Success is the outcome of hard work,
It is not easy like eating food with your knife and fork.
Success is the result of labor,
It is not like keeping eye on your neighbor.
Success in the result of pain,
It is not secondary, it is the main.
Success is the outcome of devotion,
Because for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Success is not a matter of chance,
It does not come just by a glance.
Success is the matter of practice,
So practice hard to make your goal effective.
Success is the result of attention,
Other factors you all know, no need to mention.
I wrote this poem when i was in class 9th and still think that only the following factors can lead you to succeed in life. It may sound quite kiddish but this is what i totally believe in. If you know other factors do let me know.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The child in the train

That day was cold and I was travelling on the train,
the river we crossed was beautiful, also beautiful were the fields with grain.
I was feeling hungry and chilled and then arrived on train a boy with a kettle,
I bought a cup of tea from him & soon in my mind started a battle.
I stop that 6-7 year old child who was one-third my age,
he opened every chapter of his life from first to last page.
A clear aim of being something was sparkling in his eyes,
a wish to be educated like us and to fly like a bird in the beautiful sky.
He told me he is an orphan and this is the only way for him to survive,
for the fulfillment of his desire he was ready to strive.
He said-One day I will be educated and groomed like you,
then i will help others like me as there are lots of things to do.
Defination of life
Life is like journey, where you meet different people,
people who have different hopes and aspirations.
Life is like a movie, having different twist and tale,
tales which are very confusing, can even turn you pale.
Life is like a ship sailing in the sea,
where God is sailor and to take our decisions we are set free.
Life is like a poem having rhyme and different word,
we all are puppets tied with n invisible cord.
Life is a mystery very tough to simplify,
Life can sometime make you happy, can sometime make you cry.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Those Days

The sky so clear,the weather so cool,
This particular moment is carrying me back to my days in school.
The time when there used to be innocent smiles,
Smiles that travels through several hearts several miles.
Those days were the days of dreaming,
The days of fun ,frolic and cheerful screaming.
Those were the days of carefree attitude,
When nothing was complex in life,everything was crude.
That was a time when hardly anybody used to wear a mask,
Everybody was ready to help each other even before one could ask.
When I look back and compare it with whats up now a days,
Its easy to understand the game which time plays.
From those innocent smiles to clever grinning,
From days of dreaming to cut-throat race of winning.
In every aspect life has played a game,
Life has changed in every frame.
Everybody displaying their art of carrying different faces,
Playing their every move with their king and aces.
Don't know why nobody want to live a simple and meaningful life,
why everybody is running behind each other with a blunt knife.
Why nobody understands the essence of life,
Why don't opt for meaningful ways to survive.
There is a lot to do in life than just to creep,
Hope everybody wakes up on time from their long sleep.
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Life is full of surprises.What u dream hardly materialise and what u never thought about seems to actualize.It is a hard reality but still I believe life is as one perceive it to be.If u want to happy u can still feel that way even in toughest of situations.Take an example of half-filled glass.u can see as a glass half filled or glass half empty.You are right in answering in either of the two ways.But its the positive approach to life that really works. Lets hypothesise.let the glass be the aim of ur life.can u acheive it?Can u not?.........Most of us are lacking in what's missing? The main thing we lack in is optimism.but no one is superior to u.One should always remember he/she is the happiest and the most well-nurtured person.It is a positive approach."I can & I vl is the spirit to excel in life."Even if you dont succeed in few attempts,dont quit as as it is the time to stick to the fight when u r hardest hit.Optimism is the faith that leads to acheivemant .So what r u waiting for? Get going.
Friday, June 6, 2008
My Blogging dilemma

It was a real tough job.It took so many days for me to decide where to start from.I nearly read hundred of blogs and lots of articles to know what others write in their blogs in print media.I even checked my own diary to find out if anything which I have written earlier fits the bill.I kept on thinking day and night and discussed with my friends and 'EUREKA' finally I got an idea.Why not to write about what to write?I am an Economics Graduate but I always loved writing, its my passion since my school days.So after my graduation I thought of a career in writing.During a telephonic interview for content writing profile, my interviewer asked me-Do you Blog? Do you know how to blog? Ofcourse, I knew what is a blog.But a blog of my own? I really never thought about it.I had read blogs on several occasions.and also one keep on reading about the celebs blogs who keep on proving "hey,I am the best" in the newspapers. But writing a blog was a new thing for me.It was indeed a real nightmare for me to decide what to write about.I first thought of writing a daily account of things,then about current issues like gujjar protests for reservation,Obama and Hillary Clinton race for presidency,the fluctuations in sensex or inflation or the election scheduled for next year or either write about my favourite stars, teenage issues, college life or things I am writing since ages.And I confess that I even thought of writing a masala news which todays news channels keep on showing ? You know the stories like bachhan and family visiting a temple bare feet or ekta kapoor trying to be size zero(who anyways want to know what size she is,with her looks she should audition for a role of a vamp whose name starts from K like kokila or whatever in her k-soaps).It was only last night I realised why not to write about the dilemma I faced while deciding what to write and here is the end result-my first blog-may be neither very good nor a bad start,atleast a good experience for me.what do you think?