Friday, June 6, 2008

My Blogging dilemma

It was a real tough job.It took so many days for me to decide where to start from.I nearly read hundred of blogs and lots of articles to know what others write in their blogs in print media.I even checked my own diary to find out if anything which I have written earlier fits the bill.I kept on thinking day and night and discussed with my friends and 'EUREKA' finally I got an idea.Why not to write about what to write?I am an Economics Graduate but I always loved writing, its my passion since my school days.So after my graduation I thought of a career in writing.During a telephonic interview for content writing profile, my interviewer asked me-Do you Blog? Do you know how to blog? Ofcourse, I knew what is a blog.But a blog of my own? I really never thought about it.I had read blogs on several occasions.and also one keep on reading about the celebs blogs who keep on proving "hey,I am the best" in the newspapers. But writing a blog was a new thing for me.It was indeed a real nightmare for me to decide what to write about.I first thought of writing a daily account of things,then about current issues like gujjar protests for reservation,Obama and Hillary Clinton race for presidency,the fluctuations in sensex or inflation or the election scheduled for next year or either write about my favourite stars, teenage issues, college life or things I am writing since ages.And I confess that I even thought of writing a masala news which todays news channels keep on showing ? You know the stories like bachhan and family visiting a temple bare feet or ekta kapoor trying to be size zero(who anyways want to know what size she is,with her looks she should audition for a role of a vamp whose name starts from K like kokila or whatever in her k-soaps).It was only last night I realised why not to write about the dilemma I faced while deciding what to write and here is the end result-my first blog-may be neither very good nor a bad start,atleast a good experience for me.what do you think?