Sunday, July 13, 2008

The child in the train

That day was cold and I was travelling on the train,

the river we crossed was beautiful, also beautiful were the fields with grain.

I was feeling hungry and chilled and then arrived on train a boy with a kettle,

I bought a cup of tea from him & soon in my mind started a battle.

I stop that 6-7 year old child who was one-third my age,

he opened every chapter of his life from first to last page.

A clear aim of being something was sparkling in his eyes,

a wish to be educated like us and to fly like a bird in the beautiful sky.

He told me he is an orphan and this is the only way for him to survive,

for the fulfillment of his desire he was ready to strive.

He said-One day I will be educated and groomed like you,

then i will help others like me as there are lots of things to do.

Defination of life

Life is like journey, where you meet different people,

people who have different hopes and aspirations.

Life is like a movie, having different twist and tale,

tales which are very confusing, can even turn you pale.

Life is like a ship sailing in the sea,

where God is sailor and to take our decisions we are set free.

Life is like a poem having rhyme and different word,

we all are puppets tied with n invisible cord.

Life is a mystery very tough to simplify,

Life can sometime make you happy, can sometime make you cry.